A few of you have asked how things went with the Blue Earth Guy. I haven't really written about him, because I just wasn't exactly sure how things were going. Sure, our first date was wonderful; walking along the lake, under the trees full of pink blossoms. He was an easy guy to talk to, and we had already hit it off on the phone the week before so there weren't many awkward silences. It was pretty close to being one of those perfect dates. But then the second and third dates came, followed by reality. For some reason while the second and third dates were fun, that spark just wasn't there. And reality came into play when we actually started to think about when we could see each other again. Turns out June is a busy month for both us and we wouldn't be seeing each other for another month. How could we try and build a relationship on that? Blue Earth is an hour away, an hour in a direction I wouldn't normally travel. While, in some cases I'm sure a long distance romance is possible, I know its just not what I want at this time. Maybe if I was feeling head over heels for this guy. Maybe if he lived in the cities where I'm more often than not, already spending my weekend.
Reality was setting in fast.
I was getting that gut feeling that I just had to put a end to what, at one time, was a promising possibility.
Crap, I hate this feeling.
I'm not sure which feeling I hate the most: Knowing that I have to break up with someone, or hearing from someone that they have to break up with me.
So last night I did it, tried giving him a call, but he didn't answer.
Crap, I'm going to loose my nerve.
Saw him online a few hours later. I know this is a completely wussy move, (huh, my spell check recognizes pussy, but not wussy. Anyways, moving on.) but I had to get it over with before I really loose my nerve.
I actually ended it over an Instant Message conversation. Lame, I know. But hey, it started as an IM conversation so its kind of fitting, right?
Well, it turns out that he wasn't feeling it either. He was going to give it another date, and then decide. But it seems like we were feeling the same way. We had hopes that it would work, we wanted it to work but both recognize that it just wasn't going to work. So that made things easier.
So I'm back out there again, and this time, trying out a new dating site. plentyoffish.com Its a free one, we'll see what happens out of this one.
Oh, and one last thing to add about the small world of online dating...turns out that I should have waited to sign up for plentyoffish after I ended it with Blue Earth Guy. I just did the first steps of picking a screen name and password and uploading a photo the night before. Yeah, he's on that site too and he noticed that I had joined.
But like he said, "Its not a good sign when you are signing up for a dating sight, and I'm still checking them."
Yes, that will be added to the Top 10 Signs That Its Not Working.