I have a confession to make.
I like shoes.
This is probably no shock to anyone who knows me. My love for shoes is right up there with purses, bags, and jewelry. But while I was doing some reorganization in my closet, and I kept finding more and more pairs of shoes, I realized that I think I have a few too many. How many is a few too many? I had to find out.
And after gathering them all together the sight was so ridiculous that I knew I had to photograph and blog about it.
I am the owner of 34 pairs of shoes. I need to know, is this normal? Do most girls have this many shoes?

Do I need 34 pairs of shoes? No, probably not. But at the time of purchase I'm sure I had a darn good reason for buying them. Like the Black Patent Leather pair (middle row second from the right) that I got in Chicago for my cousins wedding. Or the black ballet flats to go with my purple dress because I forgot I already had a pair of black flats. And the pink(!) and green sneakers I got because, well, they were pink(!). Have you ever seen pinker sneakers than those? Me neither.
I know, I need to stop buying shoes. A girl doesn't need 5 pairs of brown flip flops, or 5 pairs of boots.
At least I have an excuse to keep buying more jewelry, I'm just expanding my business. ;o)