This last Satruday was the first time in probably 6 years that I went camping. A friend of mine, Derik, had a camping party out at his parents hobby farm in Mankato. It was so much fun. Jamie had to work till 9 so we didn't get out there till probably around 11, but we still had a blast. There is a stream that runs through his parents property with an awesome waterfall right by our camping site (aka - cow pasture). We did a little late night swimming in the pool that is built up at the base of the falls, had a HUGE bonfire, made S'mores, and attempted to drive a 4 wheeler for the first time - ever. That was a pretty pathetic site. I should have had someone video tape it.
Even though I grew up in the country I don't claim to be a country girl. While I don't mind getting dirty and I do enjoy camping (as long as there is a toilet), I didn't grow up driving 4 wheelers and snowmobiles, going hunting or fishing (except for that one summer my dad and I took up fishing). But I realized how much of a city girl I have turned into when I kept hearing a noise and thought it was a cell phone vibrating. Turns out it was a cow mooing in the distance.
I had to laugh at myself because I grew up surrounded by forest, fields, and cow pastures. You would think the sound of a cow mooing would be second nature to me and I would be able to recognize it anywhere, especially on a farm. Apparently not. But I didn't feel too bad when Derik mentioned 10 min later that he thought it was a cell phone vibrating as well, and he grew up on that farm.
But this city girl had a blast camping and decided that I need to do it more often. Only next time I won't go swimming at 2:30 in the morning so I don't freeze to death all night.
Here is a picture of the waterfall during the day.
The creek was really low, usually its at least a foot or two deeper than it is here.
With the sandy bottom, its the perfect place to swim.

After breakfast on Sunday we watched Derik's parents separate calves on their horses.
I kind of felt like I was watching Pioneer Woman.
Except it was a hobby farm and not a major cattle ranch, and there were no calf nuts to be found anywhere.

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