Once again I have let neglect-o-blog take over and I haven't updated in a while.
So to catch you up to speed I thought I would highlight events in the past couple of weeks.
• Amery Scrapbooking weekend. 4 days of scrapping, eating, and talking (and getting called by my sisters name the whole time. I've come to just answer to the name Erin). Pictures can be found here at said sisters blog. I do have pictures, I'm just being lazy about posting them.
• Iowa City Crop Marathon. Because I didn't get enough of scrapbooking in those 96 or so hours I attended a scrapbooking marathon with my aunt and two cousins two weeks later. The idea was to have 26.2 hours of straight scrapbooking. We were among the few people that made it the whole time out of about 50 women. We started 8:00 on Friday evening and didn't stop till about 10:30 Saturday evening. Crazy? Yeah. Fun? Yep!
• Halloween. Made a last minute decision to head up to St. Paul for a Halloween party that friends of mine where throwing at HoBR (House of Booze and Rock the name so appropriately given to their place of residence). As usual they had their specialty, wop of doom (see urbandictionary.com #7: An alcoholic beverage consisting of hard liquor and fruit. The fruit soaks up the liquor leaving a fruity tasting beverage, and very highly concentrated alcoholic fruit. Usually filled in a large tub. The fruit is eaten.). In other words: yummy and dangerous. Many people there and with lots of great costumes. Scariest one? Sarah Palin. Wow, did this girl look just like her. She had the hair, the glasses, the pearls, everything. My costume? An icanhascheezburger cat. Also known as an LoL cat. How did I do it? Simple: cat ears and tail from a costume from college, whiskers drawn in eyeliner, and a flip book I made with classic LoL captions. Still confused? Here are a few pictures from icanhascheezburger where I got my ideas:

The picture that started it all.

I figured this caption would come in handy.

As well as this one.

And we all know someone that could use this caption scrolling over their head.
That is the best costume idea ever! Wish I had been there. I attended another party as a panda. just a plain, boring panda. but cute!