Monday, March 31

I'm a Nerd part 2

I just need to take a moment and let my inner mac nerd come out.

I know I said I wasn't going to talk about work, but in my world this is blog worthy. 
My whole department was blessed with 24 inch iMac computers.  And all I can do is drool.  I take back every negative thing I may have said in the past about the iMac.

See, isn't it pretty?  No towers to deal with, everything is contained in the monitor.

The keyboard is a little odd and will get some getting used to.  Its ultra thin, at its highest its only 3/4 of an inch tall.  Here is the side view.

And I'm in love with the Mac Mighty Mouse.  You may look at it and think its just like the old Mac mice that didn't have right-click abilities.  Oh, but this does.  And see that scroll ball?  It lets you scroll up and down and side to side.  Its also programable so you can customize your Mighty Mouse.  Oh the possibilities.

And who can resist playing with the built-in web-cam and the Photo Booth application?

Ok, I'm done with my geeky Mac talk.  :o)

Thursday, March 27

Where To Begin...

Ok, here we go.  I think I'm finally ready to post some pictures.  It was harder than I thought to pick which ones to post.  
I suppose it would make sense to start with some wedding pictures.  I didn't take too many wedding shots, i let the photographer do her job.  I'm excited to see how those turned out.  In the meantime these will have to do.  

The Wedding

Me and Jenessa

Jenessa and Alexis

Stacy and Jenessa

Jenessa and her daughter Katrina

Sight Seeing

Nessa's parents were our tour guides for the weekend.
The rental PT Cruiser did pretty well on the narrow, dirt, mountain back roads.

Not More Rocks?!?

Beautiful rock formations near Sedona.

More Sedona rock.

Down there somewhere is Sedona (I think).  
This was at the beginning of the road up Schnebly Hill.

The view from our way back from Prescott.  See that winding dirt road?  
That was our trail back to Camp Verde, Camp Verde is down there...somewhere.
See that snow caped mountain in the distance?  That's Flagstaff.

So thats a little mini-view of my Arizona pictures.  I fell in love with Arizona.  I had no idea how pretty it is.  Jerome is now my favorite little hippy town.  Its perched up in the mountains and full of cute artsy shops.  Am I the only one that can see myself living there driving my own little vintage VW Bug?

P.S. Click on any of the pictures to see a close up view.

I'm a nerd

The highlight of my day?

Getting to post the VERY FIRST comment on Pioneer Woman's BRAND NEW SITE!!!

I have a link to the left, check it out! Her new site looks great!

I'm especially excited for her new Photography site. My Photoshop skills need some work.

Speaking of photography, Arizona pictures will be posted tonight!

See you then!

Tuesday, March 25

I didn't want to leave...

You know its been a good vacation when you haven't checked your email once and you've even forgotten your blog password.  

Ever start your vacation and realize that you wish you could stay one more day?  Yeah, me too.  And this time around that wish came true!  Here I had been thinking that we flew out of Arizona Sunday night and arriving back home Monday morning.  Nope, we were leaving Monday night, and arrived back in Minnesota Tuesday morning.  Yay for an extra day!  Thank goodness my job is flexible and the workload is slow since I didn't realize that I had the date wrong until my travel buddy, Alexis, pointed this out when we got to Arizona Wednesday night.  Oopps.  :)

My vacation went fabulous.  The weather was great, 80 degrees and not a cloud in the sky every day.  The first part of the vacation was a bit hectic while we helped prepare for the wedding, but I was glad we were able to be there to help out.  The wedding was Saturday and it went really well.  

We should have spent Sunday recuperating from the wedding, but there were things to do!  Sights to see!  Pictures to take!  I just finished copying over the last of my photos from the week.  Anyone want to take a guess at how many there are?  100?  200?  Do I hear 300?  

386?  We have a winner!  

386 pictures and 1.03 GB of space later I think I realized that I documented the weekend well.  

I will start weeding through them and get some of the best ones posted.  

Right now I'm starting to feel the lack of sleep from flying all night and only getting three hours of sleep.  So I think I will settle in with some leftover ham balls that I was able to sweet talk my way into getting from the family easter dinner, and relax in my final hours of my last day off.

Tuesday, March 18

Traveling Week Part 1:

So here ends the first part of my Traveling Week.  I was in Iowa City with a group from work to meet our Iowa City Desktop Publishing counterparts and to get some training.  It was just a quick trip: down on Monday morning and back up Tuesday afternoon.

Traveling Week Part 2?  I fly out to Arizona tomorrow!

Tonight has been a whirlwind preparation.  Tan for the last time, get bags unpacked, pack up new ones, and of course making new lists of things to do and things to pack for the morning.  :)  I did however manage to stay away from Target tonight!  (I have to confess I went to Target on Monday in Iowa City, apparently I didn't think I had enough clothes for Arizona.  That makes it 4 trips to Target in 4 days.)

I probably won't post for the rest of the week.  But expect pictures from Sunny Arizona on Monday!

Sunday, March 16

3 trips to Target in 3 days?

Ah, the fun of getting ready for a trip.   Target may be starting to wonder if I'm casing the joint.  Today I made my third and (hopefully final) trip to target in preparation for my Arizona trip this week.  It didn't matter how detailed my list was on Friday.  As I started getting things together I found out that there were more items needed so I  had to go back on Saturday, and once again today.  

Its when I'm getting ready for something like a trip when I realize that list-making must run in the family.  I have lists for what to pack, which bag to pack it in, what I'm going to wear, even what jewelry I'm gong to wear with it, and things to do before Monday comes.  I'm reminded of Mara's Ode To The December Lists.  But for me some of the fun of the trip is the weeks leading up to the trip when I start making plans, and making those lists.  

I know, I'm a nerd.

The reason for all of these lists? One of my high school friends is getting married and I'm flying down to sunny Arizona to be in her wedding.  I'm so excited to be going somewhere warm this spring.  Although, in preparation for wearing the yellow bridesmaid dress I've been tanning this month so every couple of days I've had a 8 minute mini-holiday in the tanning bed.  

But going to Arizona this week does have its down side:  I'll be missing out on the Easter festivities in Deer River with the Bain/LeFebvre/Bergeron crew. 

When I look at the 10 day forcast for Deer River and Camp Verde, its hard to feel bummed about not going up north. 37 degree high versus 76 degree high? I think you know wich one wins that battle.

But then I think about watching the kids dive into their Easter baskets and hunting for Easter eggs, the countless games of Scrabble to be played with my mom and sisters, and the yummy food (ham balls!) that I'm sure the house will be full of. Ok, now I'm feeling a tiny tinge of regret for not being there. 

So to battle this tinge of regret, I'm going to assemble my own Virtual Easter Basket full of my favorite Easter treats:

Cadbury Cream Eggs (now come in orange flavor, yum!)
Cadbury Mini Eggs (I've been known to store a bag or two of these in the freezer for later in the year)
SweetTarts Chicks Ducks and Bunnies
Dove Truffle Eggs (I can't find a picture) :o(
Starburst Jelly Beans
Resses Peanut Butter Eggs

What are your favorite Easter treats?

Wednesday, March 12

What am I doing?

Good question. But here I am, jumping on the Blog-Wagon and joining my sisters in the blogging world.

What do I have to blog about? I'm not entirely sure.

I'll stay away from any talk about work. I don't want to get "Dooced". 
(definition from"Getting fired because of something that you wrote in your weblog." The author of one of my favorite blogs, Dooce, was fired from her full-time job because of what she wrote on her blog.)

Well as it says in my blog title, I am the single sister in the Craig/Beth Bergeron family. Maybe I'll start posting "Joys of Dating" entries when I do in fact start dating again. Actually, that gets me thinking of my next blog post: eHarmony: Third Time the Charm?  

Don't worry, this isn't going to turn into a woe-is-me-and-my-single-life blog.  

My sisters have that one covered; and

Maybe this blog will get me to take more pictures and design more. Once I do start, I'll start
posting a daily photo. Wait - backup - edit - I'll start posting a weekly photo. Thats probably more realistic in the world of Emily.

So here it is, welcome to The Single Sister.  Leave comments, even if its just to say hi, I like comments.  :o)