I know I said I wasn't going to talk about work, but in my world this is blog worthy.
My whole department was blessed with 24 inch iMac computers. And all I can do is drool. I take back every negative thing I may have said in the past about the iMac.
See, isn't it pretty? No towers to deal with, everything is contained in the monitor.

The keyboard is a little odd and will get some getting used to. Its ultra thin, at its highest its only 3/4 of an inch tall. Here is the side view.

And I'm in love with the Mac Mighty Mouse. You may look at it and think its just like the old Mac mice that didn't have right-click abilities. Oh, but this does. And see that scroll ball? It lets you scroll up and down and side to side. Its also programable so you can customize your Mighty Mouse. Oh the possibilities.

And who can resist playing with the built-in web-cam and the Photo Booth application?

Ok, I'm done with my geeky Mac talk. :o)