Friend and coworker of mine, Amber is having twins in a few short weeks. Twins! A little girl, Corie and a little boy, Finn. We had a baby shower at work for her today and of course we made it a food day to celebrate in the only fashion we know how, by eating massive amounts of food.
Erin had found this sugar cookie recipe by i am baker and shared it with me when she heard of my plans for Brooke's 2nd Birthday Party (you'll just have to wait and see). I decided to try it out and make ducky cookies for the baby shower. They turned out so well, I had to share.
Aren't they cute?

Know what is even better? They are delicious too!
Not wanting to leave Corie and Finn's big brother, Gunnar, out I made him a set of cookies that spelled out his name and packaged them up for him. You can't really see it in the picture but the baby frog on the right even has eyelashes and and a pink mouth to be the baby girl frog.